GAT-X105 Strike Gundam is the Gundam that appears in Mobile Suit Gundam Seed. This Gundam is classified as Prototype Multi-Mode Mobile Suite. It was piloted by Kira Yamato.

Strike gundam combines into: GAT-X105+AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Strike Gundam


Characteristics and parameters:

GAT-X105 Strike Gundam has a height is 17.72meters

The weight is 64.8 metric tons

Power plant: is Ultracompact Energy Battery

no picture for Ultracompact Energy Battery

The material to make armor is Phase Shift Armor (Used to anti-"physical weapons")

The cockpit is in torso.


Igelstellung 75mm multi-barrel Anti Air CIWS

On both sides of the head, used against light weapons, rockets, heavy armored vehicles.

heavy armored vehicles.    

Armor Schneider:

Located in either side of the hip armor. It can penetrate any armor except PS (Phase Shift Armor).


57mm High-energy Beam Rifle

Located on the rear hip armor , has strong firepower but is ineffective against armor with anti-beam coating.


Bazooka is loaded with four magazines, uses explosive ammunition and it can use in the water.



Coated with anti-beam but ineffective against Phase Shift Armor. The same as the one used for Gundam Duel






XM404 "Grand Slam" Anti-Ship Sword: It is a large sword developed by ZAFT. Used by Strike to destroy enemies


Hardpoints for Striker Packs:

Use for different combat roles:

Aile Striker Pack: Increased flexibility

 Sword Striker Pack: Increased melee combat ability

Launcher Striker Pack: increased ranged shooting ability

Sword and Launcher Striker Packs

Other Striker packs: Lightning Striker pack, IWSP Striker pack

Phase Shift Armor:

When activated, Strike's armor will change from gray to white, blue, and red. Help Strike resist physical weapons such as swords, rockets, bullets.

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GAT-X105+AQM/E-X01 Aile Strike Gundam

GAT-X105+AQM/E-X02 Sword Strike Gundam

GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam

GAT-X105+AQM/E-YM1 Perfect Strike Gundam

GAT-X105+P202QX Strike Gundam IWSP

GAT-X105+P204QX Lightning Strike Gundam

GAT-X105+AQM/E-YM1 Perfect Strike Gundam

